Here are the Top 5 Foods to Cook in the Instant Pot to make meal prep and weeknight dinners a breeze!

Top 5 Foods to Cook in the Instant Pot

The instant pot has become increasingly popular over the past 1-2 years and for a good reason, it makes cooking dinner and meal prep fast and easy! And if you know me I am all for whatever makes cooking easier. So I thought I would share my top 5 foods that I cook in my instant pot, almost weekly!

1.Steel Cut Oats

Top 5 Foods to Cook in the Instant Pot

Truth is it takes about the same amount of time to cook steel cut oats in an instant pot as is does on the stove but the perk with using the instant pot is that all you need to do it set it and forget it for 30 minutes! No stirring while cooking necessary. I make a pot once a week and have breakfast ready to go during the week.


1 1/4 cup steel cut oats

3 3/4 cup liquid ( I use a combination of water and milk)

add in toppings/flavorings as desired ( my favorites are cinnamon, apple and raisins or craisins and chia seeds)


Spray bottom of the pot liberally with cooking spray. Add in all ingredients into the pot, mix to combine. Close lid and set dial to sealing.

Program: Manual 12 minutes

Release:  natural release for 20 minutes

Remove lid and mix to combine.

2. Hard Boiled Eggs

I can never ever make hard boiled eggs on the stove. I often over cook them and even if I have cooked them just right part of the egg always comes off with the shell! In the instant pot the yolk is perfect ever time and the shell comes of so easily! Hard boiled eggs are great to have on hand to add to salads or sandwiches during the week or to add to kids meals and snacks.


6 eggs

1 cup water


Lay eggs on top of trivet, add water to bottom of the pot, close lid and set dial to sealing.

Program: Manual 5 minutes

Release: quick release

Drop eggs into ice water for 5 minutes then peel.

3. Spaghetti Squash

I am a huge spaghetti squash fan, but dislike how long it takes to roast in the oven! The instant pot cuts the cooking time in more than a 1/4. Spaghetti squash is a great substitute for pasta or easy side vegetable to most week night meals.


3-> 3.5 pound spaghetti squash, cut in half lengthwise

1 cup water


Lay spaghetti squash on trivet, add water to fill bottom of the pot, close lid with vent set to sealing.

Program: Manual 5-7 minutes ( I like it at 6min, the less time the more crunchy)

Release: quick

Let cool slightly then serve or cover and store in the fridge and reheat when ready to eat.

4. Soups 

Top 5 Foods to Cook in the Instant Pot

I am a huge fan of soups and stews but they can take awhile to cook especially when they have meat. Making stews in the instant pot has never been so easy and the meat always comes out tender and juicy! This Instant Pot Creamy Broccoli Cauliflower Soup is one of my all time favorites and only takes 30 minutes to prepare and cook.

5. Stews

Top 5 Foods to Cook in the Instant Pot

Getting meat moist and tender is another great advantage of using an Instant Pot. Stew meat, chicken and pork come out tender, juicy and full of flavor every single time! This Instant Pot Chicken Coconut Curry is another favorite in our house!

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