Top 10 Healthy Packaged Kids Snacks

Packaged snacks can be a healthy option for kids on-the-go and when you need something quick and easy! Here is a list of my top 10 favorite healthy packaged kids snacks.    Fresh food is great, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes you need a few kid-friendly packaged snacks that you can throw in your […]

Top 5 Pre-Work Out Snacks

Did you know that eating something before a work-out could help improve your overall energy, performance and weight loss? It’s true! Food is your bodies fuel, but the right type of fuel is also important. But what is the “perfect” food to eat pre-work out? The answer is carbohydrates, which are found in whole grains, […]

20+ Portable High Protein Snacks

Ever found yourself in this situation? It’s 3:00 in the afternoon and all of a sudden your tummy is a rumbling…what to do? You reach into your bag and it’s empty. You think maybe I could go grab one of those cookies my coworker brought in! Hmm, but maybe I shouldn’t… I know many of […]

Top 10 Snacks for Under 200 Calories!

Snacking can be included into a healthy diet and even weight loss plan. Choosing the right foods to snack on can help keep you satiated and prevent you from over eating at meal time. Snacks are also a great opportunity to get in foods that might be missing from your meals like fruits, vegetables or […]