Intuitive Eating and the First Trimester

How Intuitive Eating helped me feel my best during the First Trimester and why you shouldn’t feel pressure to eat “perfectly” during pregnancy.   For those of you who don’t know yet we are expecting a baby girl at the end of February! These past 3+ months have been a bit different than my first […]

5 Tips for Making Dinner Less Stressful with a Toddler

Dinner (or meal time in general) can be stressful with a toddler. You come home from work tired and probably hungry, your toddler is hungry and cranky, you aren’t sure what to make or what they will eat. You give them some snacks to keep them busy and quiet while you get dinner ready. You […]

Raising Our Kids to Have a Healthy Relationship with Food

Often our relationship with food is largely impacted by  how we are raised around food as a kid. I see this more and more working with adults.  Many of their eating habits steam back from experiences (positive or negative) as a child.

Feeding a 1-Year Old : The Journey Continues

Ever wondered what feeding a 1-year old looks like? Check out a recap of my experience plus a sample of what the little guy has been eating recently below!    During the first year of feeding my little one, especially month 5-12, I felt like feedings changed on a daily basis. Check out my post […]