Walnut Crusted Salmon with Pomegranate Sauce

Looking for a quick satisfying and healthy meal for the week or a meal to impress your family or friends this holiday season? Well, I’ve got something special for you! My walnut crusted salmon is the perfect winter dish packed with flavor, heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids from the walnuts and salmon and antioxidants from […]

Lamb Meatballs with Eggplant Tomato Sauce

This month’s Recipe Redux theme is “Spooky Spices”.  You know those spices you purchased for a recipe you made once and now they are just hanging out in the back of your pantry because you don’t know what to do with them! After taking a peak through the back of my spice rack I came […]

Homemade Almond Butter

        Almond butter is a great alternative to peanut butter for people with a peanut allergy. It is also great for people who are just looking for something different to put on their toast in the morning.  Almond butter is also a great source of protein and heart healthy fats, but unfortunately can […]

Chocolate, a Heart Healthy Treat!

Chocolate, delicious and heart healthy, who knew!  Cocoa, the main ingredient in chocolate, contains heart healthy anti-oxidants called flavonals. Studies have shown that these flavonals can help relax blood vessels lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow to prevent formation of blood clots. Research has also found that eating dark chocolate may help prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of […]