How Much Calcium and Vitamin D Does Your Toddler Need?

Calcium and Vitamin D are both essential nutrients your little one needs to develop and grow healthy strong bones. Dairy is the most common way to get in adequate calcium and vitamin D, but if your son or daughter is allergic or intolerant to dairy products there are other ways to meet the calcium and […]

Pumpkin Cheesecake Smoothie Bowl

This Pumpkin Cheesecake Smoothie bowl is a quick and easy breakfast that is packed with nutrition and tastes just like Pumpkin Cheesecake! One of my favorite fall breakfasts had to be this Pumpkin Cheesecake Smoothie bowl! Instead of cream cheese I used  cottage cheese to give it the same creamy texture. The cottage cheese also […]

Top 5 Pre-Work Out Snacks

Did you know that eating something before a work-out could help improve your overall energy, performance and weight loss? It’s true! Food is your bodies fuel, but the right type of fuel is also important. But what is the “perfect” food to eat pre-work out? The answer is carbohydrates, which are found in whole grains, […]