Whole Wheat Gingerbread Crepes with Maple Roasted Cranberries

These Whole Wheat Gingerbread Crepes with Maple Roasted Cranberries are a healthy and quick breakfast perfect for Christmas morning! So the gingerbread kick continues! When coming up with this oh so yummy Whole Wheat Gingerbread Crepe recipe I was initially going for pancakes but let’s be real it’s been done before and my initial recipe […]

Frozen Yogurt Bark with Cranberries and Pistachios

Take a bite out of this Frozen Yogurt Bark for a deliciously satisfying holiday treat that you can feel good about! Now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s time to get ready for the next holiday.  I am already up to my ears in treats and sweets and I’ll admit I have enjoyed my fair share. […]

Oatmeal Cranberry Pistachio Cookies

Happy Holidays! ‘Tis the season for delicious sweets and baked goods! Cookies make a great easy treat for a holiday party or gift for friends and co-workers.  I got started early this year and began whipping up my first batch of holiday cookies this weekend to share with my co-workers. My favorite oatmeal cookie recipe […]