Should you let your child eat sugar? The answer is yes! Here is why and how to incorporate it into your child’s balanced diet!….
The media is all over sugar these days and how it’s the worst thing we could possibly be eating as adults or feeding to our kids. Many of these messages make us parents feel guilty if we give our kids anything with added sugar in it or buy a food with “too much” added sugar. If you ever had this feeling, you are not alone. I promise I’ve been there! These messages are hard to avoid and at times can be very convincing. But I’m here to tell you its OK! Its ok if you have felt the guilt, its ok if you give your child a cookie, ice cream or a sweetened cereal.
The truth is sugar whether it be table sugar, maple syrup, honey, or sugar in fruit or milk or bread acts the same way in your body. It’s broken down the same no matter what type it is. Sugar is one type of carbohydrate that is used as our bodies main source of fuel. It helps make food taste good and enjoyable. The issue comes when we only eat sugar, or eat it in large quantities. This same principle goes for just about any food or nutrient. For our body to function appropriately it needs a variety of nutrients from different foods. And truth is our bodies naturally crave variety and kids are often better at listening to this than us adults. Another problem comes when we restrict foods containing added sugar in it all together or specific foods. If we restrict our kids from eating a specific food they are going to see it as more desirable. And when given the chance to eat it outside of our control will most likely over eat it and dismiss their internal cues for variety.
When offering foods with sugar think about you give your child something with sugar think about what else you are providing and how it’s being offered. Does something that you are offering have a source of protein or fat? (Fun fact ice cream has all three!! ) Are you the one offering it versus just letting your child pull it out of the cabinet whenever they want? Are you offering it at a set meal or snack time? Have you offered a variety of other foods throughout the day?
If you have answered yes to most or all of these questions you are in good shape! Getting too caught up in the numbers can make us crazy! As long as you are aware of what you are offering your child and are offering a variety of different foods, trust that your child will consume the nutrients they need. And remind yourself that you are helping them build a positive, healthy relationship with food. A relationship that doesn’t involve fearing sugar but involves enjoying dessert and foods with added sugar along with fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains and fats!
If you are looking for help in incorporating sweets in a balanced way feel free to contact me!