Come explore, cook and enjoy artichokes with your kids.Β 


A is for Artichokes, an edible flower. Yes thats right, artichokes are an un-bloomed flower!

This week starts a new blog series where I will be sharing fun and easy lessons and activities to help you introduce and learn about new foods to kids of all ages! Whether you are a parent, grandparent, nanny, or teacher this series is for you.

This month we are learning about, exploring and cooking artichokes.Β  We will be using all of our senses to explore this delicious vegetable. Below are some fun activities and nutrition lessons you can use to explore and learn about artichokes with kids. Also included are some easy tips on how to prepare, cook and enjoy a fresh artichoke together. Later this month I will be sharing a recipe using canned artichokes and giving you ideas on how to introduce and serve them to even the pickiest of eaters.Β 

Fun Facts about Artichokes

  1. Un-bloomed flower
  2. Part of the sunflower family.
  3. Oldest food known to humans.
  4. Native to the Mediterranean region, now grown here in California.
  5. High in antioxidants.
  6. High in fiber, 1 artichoke contains 6g fiber.

For many kids accepting a new food can take time and often requires exploring with all their senses. πŸ‘€: sight andβœ‹πŸ½Β  touch are great senses to start exploring foods with as they are low pressure to eat activities. This includes activities like reading books, watching videos, looking at the food, counting, building with or painting with the food. Next comes cooking the food where theΒ  sense of smellπŸ‘ƒπŸ½ , hearing πŸ‘‚πŸ½and taste πŸ‘„ come in. Β If your child seems hesitant to use their sense of taste (aka eat!) the food,Β  that’s ok! Avoid pressuring them, just keep offering artichokes from time to time and in different ways and one day they may surprise you πŸ˜„

Artichoke Cut

10 Fun Artichoke Activities to do with Kids

  1. βœ‹πŸ½Use artichoke heart leaves as a paint brush or cut in half lengthwise and use as a stamp.
  2. πŸ‘€Β  Cut open artichoke lengthwise and identify the different parts of the artichoke (Thorn, choke, heart, stem, outer leaves, inner leaves)
  3. πŸ‘€Β  Watch videos on how artichokes are grown/harvested
  4. πŸ‘€ Read Books about artichokes : A is for Artichoke (0-5 years) Artichoke Boy (5-7 years)
  5. πŸ‘€Color Identification: What colors do you see in an artichoke?
  6. πŸ‘€: βœ‹πŸ½Count the number of leaves on the artichoke. Then compare with another artichoke. (Which has more?)
  7. πŸ‘„Β  Taste test! Compare fresh versus canned artichokes (Which do you like better?!)
  8. Β πŸ‘€ βœ‹πŸ½ πŸ‘ƒπŸ½ πŸ‘‚πŸ½πŸ‘„Β Β Use your 5 senses to describe how artichokes look, feel, taste, sound, and smell. (What colors do you see? What does the thorns feel like? What does the choke feel like? What noise does an artichoke make when cutting it or pulling off the leaves? What does a raw versus cooked artichoke smell like? etc.)
  9. πŸ‘€ βœ‹πŸ½ πŸ‘ƒπŸ½Β  πŸ‘‚πŸ½πŸ‘„ Cook fresh artichokes together (see below)
  10. πŸ‘€ βœ‹πŸ½ πŸ‘ƒπŸ½Β  πŸ‘‚πŸ½πŸ‘„ Cook with artichoke hearts

How to Prepare a Fresh Artichoke with Kids

  1. Cut off top/stem of artichoke (adult or teenagers job)
  2. Remove bottom leaves (18+ months, with some assistance for younger toddlers and kids)
  3. Use kitchen scissors to cut tips off of leaves (kids 4+)

Final product should look something like this πŸ‘‡πŸ½Artichoke Prepared

Easiest Ways to Prepare Fresh Artichoke with Kids:Β 

  1. Steamed: Place prepared artichoke(s) in a steam basket, place basket in large pot add 1 cup water to the bottom. Cover pot, turn on stove to medium high heat and bring to boil then reduce heat to simmer. Cook for ~30 min or until outer leaves are tender.
  2. Microwaved: Place prepared artichoke in a microwave safe dish, pour Β½ cup water on the bottom. Cover (I used wet paper towel). Cook 8 min for 1 large artichoke.
  3. Roasted: cut prepared artichoke in half length wise (adults job!). Remove choke (the fuzzy part) with a spoon. To the cut side have kids (18m+) help squeeze lemon over, drizzle with olive oil, stuff with 1 clove crushed garlic, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Flip over and drizzle outside with lemon juice, olive oil, sprinkle with salt/pepper. Cook cut side down at 400 degrees uncovered for 15 minutes, then cover with aluminum foil and cook for another 15 minute (large artichokes may require 20-25min)

Below is an example of microwaved and roasted artichokes with dipping sauce. Our favorite was the roasted artichoke!

Artichoke Cooked

Best Way to Enjoy Fresh Artichokes

  1. Pull of the leaves, dip into sauce, then scrap the inside meaty flesh off with your teeth. The inner leaves are edible on their own. Be sure to scoop out the fuzzy choke (not edible), underneath is the artichoke heart which has a meaty texture and is my favorite part!
  2. My favorite sauces:
    1. ΒΌ cup mayo+1 tablespoon lemon juice or balsamic vinegar + pinch salt and garlic powder. Mix and enjoy!
    2. ΒΌ cup melted butter and 1 crushed garlic clove and pinch salt

For my daughter the leaves became the vessel for eating the dip πŸ˜‰

Artichoke Fresh and Canned

Can’t get your hands on a fresh artichoke? Have no fear! Canned, jarred and frozen artichokes are a great option. Canned and jarred are easiest to find, frozen artichokes are harder to find but Trader Joe’s carries them. Canned and frozen artichokes come prepared and ready to eat and are much cheaper. One can of artichokes costsΒ  around $2.50 while one fresh artichoke will cost about the same.

Add canned artichokes to a variety of dishes like sandwiches, pizza, pasta, salads, or mixed dishes.

Stay tuned for a recipe using canned artichokes coming later this month! If you haven’t already be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter for exclusive handouts, recipes and information all aimed to help you cook more with your kids and feel more confident feeding them!

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