If you missed part 1 of my 2 part series on the Division of Responsibility go check it out here!
Part 1 talks about what the Division Responsibility in feeding is.
In part 2 I am sharing why I love this method as a parent and how it has helped the parents I work with. I am also sharing answers to the most common questions I get from parents and caregivers.
Why I, as a parent, love this feeding method..
- Makes mealtime less stressful! There is no battle over food, instead we can sit down as a family and enjoy a meal together.
- My son comes to the table hungry (not starving!) and ready to eat. This has helped to get him to try new foods and eat a larger of variety of foods.
By no means is my little guy a “perfect eater” but on average he has grown to enjoy a variety of foods. And truth is you can plan all you want but somedays your schedule and what you had planned just doesn’t happen. One thing that I have learned is that there needs to be some flexibility in feeding and some trial and error to figure out how the division of responsibility fits into your family and children.
Many of the parents that I have worked with or educated on this method report decreased stress around mealtime and overtime their kids are actually eating a larger variety of foods!
Common questions I get working with parents..
So what do I do if my toddler doesn’t eat something that is offered? Nothing! Let it go and continue to offer that food switching up how its prepared from time to time. Remember your child may need to be exposed to certain foods 5 to 20 times before they eat it.
What if my toddler stops eating something they used to eat all the time? This is normal, tastes change and they may like it/eat it again in the future. Just keep offering it. Trying preparing it in new ways to make it more fun and enticing.
What if my toddler asks for more of a certain food but they haven’t finished other food on their plate? Whether they are asking for more pasta, fruit, vegetable or bread it ok to serve more even if other food on their plate is left untouched. Remember its more important that they are getting a variety of foods over the course of a day (or even over a week) than it is to eat a variety of foods at a meal. If they don’t touch a certain food ( e.g fruit or vegetable) at a meal or snack make sure to offer a food in that same food group at another meal or snack that day.
What if my toddler asks for food between a meal or snack time? Avoid letting your kids determine the “when”, tell them the kitchen is closed and that they will be eating their next meal (or snack) soon. If this becomes consistent and you think they are actually hungry consider offering the next meal/snack earlier or offering more protein/fat at the previous meal/snack to ensure they stay full longer. If they are asking for something specific, within reason, consider offering it with a meal or snack along with other food you have planned.
Is it ok to give my toddler a choice of what he/she eats? The answer is yes! From time to time it’s ok to give a couple options for example asking if they would like an apple or orange with lunch or pizza or pasta for dinner etc. When you are planning meals or shopping give them a choice of what fruit, vegetables or cereal they want that week.
Whether your child is 6 months old or in their teens it is never to early or late to implement this method. If you are interested in using the feeding method with your children and need some help or have questions please feel free to contact me! I offer nutrition coaching services for families locally in the Boston MA area as well as virtually throughout the United States.