I can’t believe Christmas is less than a week away!  I have rounded up my favorite holiday treats, sides and snacks from other health food bloggers to give you some healthy inspiration this holiday season. I have also complied a list of my top health tips and tricks to keep you on track!


Healthy Eating Tips for the Holiday Season

1. Keep the Same Routine : This includes both your eating and exercise routine

  • Eating Schedule: Do not skip breakfast or lunch just beacause you have a party to go to in the evening. Eating consistently throughout the day will help prevent overeating at night.
  • Exercise: Leaving time for exercise will do you a lot of physical and mental good! Not only does it help prevent holiday weight gain but it can also help relieve stress. Just 15 to 30 minutes of your favorite exercise a day will help you burn calories and make you feel good!

2. Plan Meals Ahead

  • Plan meals around fresh vegetables, fruits, lean protein and low fat dairy.
  • If you are going out for a long day of shopping, eat a meal before you leave and bring a healthy snack like trail mix, peanut butter and crackers, or a piece of fruit and string cheese in case you get hungry. This will also prevent you from being tempted by those delicious smelling, but not so good for you mall snacks.

3. Holiday Parties

  • Holiday parties are full of copious amounts of food. Make sure you don’t go to a party hungry. You will be less likely to overindulge if you eat a healthy high protein snack like string cheese or low fat yogurt before you go.  

4. Lastly, enjoy you holiday favorites, but in moderation!

  • The most tempting and delicious part of the holiday season has to be the holiday cookies, eggnog, candies and other treats. It’s okay to have your favorite holiday treat, but just take one! I promise you will be just as satisfied!

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